April 8, 2013 (MMD Newswire) -- "If You Were Me and Lived in... Mexico: A
Child's Introduction to Cultures Around the World (ISBN 148020927) is the
exciting new book by award-winning childrens's book author Carole P. Roman
that takes children on an adventure though the cultures and customs of
Part of an educational new series that reads like the Travel Channel for
children, "If You Were Me and Lived in... Mexico" is the first in an
informative series designed specifically to take children on a worldwide
tour of different countries and cultures. With each book teaching about a
different country, children will be able to have fun while learning what
life would be like if they lived there.
Realizing there were very few resouces available to teach young children
about different customs, Roman was inspired to create a series that is both
educational and fun. Easy to read and filled with beautifully illustrated
pictures, the book's goal is to leave children and parents alike with new
ideas that lead to hours of discussions or projects such as pen pals, or
cooking ethnic foods.
"I wanted to create a book that was not a traditional ediucational book, but
instead, educated children on the things in life they can relate to-what we
eat, what we call our parents, even the currency we use" said Roman, a
former educator.
Carole P. Roman was named to Kirkus Reviews" Best of 2012 for her debut
children's book, "Captain No Beard-An Imaginery Tale of a Pirate's Life",
which was also given the Kirkus Star of Remarkable Merit.
The second book of that series, "Pepper Parrot's Problem with Patience-A
Captain No Beard Story" earned five stars with the coveted ForeWord
Review-Clarion Review.
"If You were Me and Lived in Mexico...:A Child's Introduction to Cultures
Around the World" is availiable for sale online at Amazon.com and other
About the Author:
Award-winninf author Carole P. Roman is proud to introduce her new series
"If You Were Me and Lived in..." Combining her passion for writing with an
enjoyment of different and exciting cultures, Roman has created the perfect
introduction for children into learning about world cultures and customs. A
former social studies teacher turned businesswoman, Roman currently lives on
Long Island near her children, and with her husband of nearly four decades.
Media Contact:
Carole P. Roman
516 375 9550
Website: www.caroleproman.com
12 April 2013
02 April 2013
Neu: Das Bauchhirn der Sprache von Gerhard Doss
Ein humanistisches Praxisbuch
Band 1: Gesellschaft braucht Begeisterung
Band 2: Horst Coblenzer und seine Übungen (mit DVD)
Sprache steht für Kommunikation und besteht nicht nur aus Wörtern.

So will dieses Doppel-Buch in erster Linie Mut machen, zu sich und den eigenen Bedürfnissen und Kreativitätspotentialen zu stehen und dies entsprechend zu kommunizieren. Das braucht eine adäquate Sprache.
In Band 1 wird aus der subjektiven Sicht des Autors der gesellschaftliche Kontext thematisiert, um exemplarisch Mechanismen aufzuzeigen, die das Bauchhirn der Sprache irritieren können. Tradiertes Wissen wird in Verbindung gebracht mit aktuellen Studien. Es werden gleichermaßen persönliche Geschichten des Autors erzählt sowie Probleme überkorrekter Formulierung und Gefahren instinktgeleiteten Sprechens (zum Beispiel anhand der Sprache des Nationalsozialismus) angesprochen. Das Bekenntnis zu einem humanistischen Weltbild ist in diesem Zusammenhang sehr essentiell.
Band 2 fokussiert neben Franz Muhar und anderen Wissenschaftern vor allem den Schauspiel-Pädagogen Horst Coblenzer und seine Lebensgeschichte in Bezug auf die künstlerischen und humanistischen Ansprüche der AAP. Die beigefügte DVD dokumentiert ihn in diesem Sinne als besonderes Vorbild und soll zur praktischen Umsetzung anregen, wofür das Buch mehr als 137 Übungen anbietet.
Der Umgang mit der Sprache lässt sich nicht auf bloß Funktionelles und Formales beschränken, sondern erfordert komplexe Spürsamkeit für das individuelle Mensch-Sein.
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